Chess Puzzles
Play and learn how the pros handle complex chess positions. These interactive chess puzzles help you to get better at chess, improve your concentration and learn some new tricks. Most of the positions occurred during famous games between Grandmasters and demonstrate tactical ideas encountered in actual play – no computer analysis here. Careful study of these positions will help you improve your skill in finding good moves and combinations in actual games. You will also learn a great deal about the planning and execution of combinational chess.
Click on any puzzle for details. From there you can solve the puzzle online or select its FEN string and, if you have the full version of SparkChess, paste it in the Board Editor to play from that position. All puzzles have solutions (hidden by default). Don’t forget to comment if you found an alternate (or better) solution!
Use the links on the side (or at the bottom on mobile devices) to see more puzzles. They are sorted in levels to allow everyone to improve their skills.
Chess puzzles are best for when you are idle and bored. They provide a good way to pass time and also improve your concentration, even if you are a beginner or Olympiad master. Learning how to solve these puzzles will improve the knowledge of beginning chess principles – seeing the right move in a position that your opponent overlooked. Our collection of interesting chess positions for online play or trainer mode is unique in that it includes mistakes that were made by top players. Everyone makes mistakes, and studying these common errors is a great way to learn about what not to do!

Corina-Isabela Peptan vs. Vlasta Macek
Put your chess skills to the test with this chess puzzle from Corina-Isabela Peptan vs Vlasta Macek. White to move and win in 3.

Győző Forintos vs. Boris Spassky
Solve this chess puzzle that occurred between Győző Forintos and Boris Spassky in Leningrad, 1960. Black to move and win in 3.

Max Walter vs. Emanuel Lasker
Play online this chess puzzle from a game between grandmasters Max Walter and Emanuel Lasker. Black to move and win in 3.
Cristina Iosif vs. Almira Skripchenko
Try to solve this easy chess puzzle online: International Masters Cristina Iosif vs Almira Skripchenko. Black to move and mate in 2.
Isaías Pleci vs. Lucius Endzelins
Isaías Pleci vs Lucius Endzelins. White to move and win in 2. Can you find the solution to this chess puzzle from 1939?
Veselin Topalov vs. Garry Kasparov
A chess puzzle form a game in Moscow, 1994 between Veselin Topalov and Garry Kasparov. Topalov moves and wins in 4.
Monterinas vs. Max Euwe
Play online this chess puzzle from a simul between Monterinas vs Max Euwe, Amsterdam, 1927. Black to move and win in 2.
Alexander Alekhine vs. Fahardo
Puzzle from a simul between Alexander Alekhine vs Fahardo, Montevideo, 1939. White to move and win in 2. Can you solve this chess puzzle online?