Benhard Horvitz vs. Howard Staunton
The endgame between the German Bernhard Horvitz and the English chess player Howard Staunton, London 1846.
Black moves and wins the game in 3.
Roll over to see the solution: 1... g6+ 2. hxg6 hxg6+ 3. Kf6 Nd7#
FEN: 6k1/ppp2ppp/8/2n2K1P/2P2P1P/2Bpr3/PP4r1/4RR2 b - - 0 1
About the players
Bernhard Horvitz (1807-1885) is known as a German chess master and chess writer belonging to "The Pleiades". He wrote about chess endgames in collaboration with Joseph Kling.2 articles on Bernhard Horwitz
Howard Staunton (1810-1874) was an English chess master and was considered the strongest player between 1843 and 1851. As a chess promoter, he imposed Nathaniel's design for chess pieces, known today as Staunton pieces.
g6+-h5xg6, h7xg6+-Kf6, Knd7++
Amazing mate net
1… g6+ 2. hxg6 hxg6+ 3. Kf6 Nd7#
Endgames are that gives the most practice on the power of your pieces.