This problem is attributed to Paul Morphy as being created at the age of nine.
It was first published on June 28, 1856 in “New York Clipper”
White to move and mate in 2.
Roll over to see the solution: 1. Ra6 bxa6 2. b7#
1. Ra6 bxa6 2. b7#
FEN: kbK5/pp6/1P6/8/8/8/8/R7 w - -
kbK5/pp6/1P6/8/8/8/8/R7 w - -
2 articles on Paul Morphy
Everyone knows this puzzle. The move is Ra6
You puny earthlings. It’s easy. I, the AI that is currently playing that knows that ya gotta do R-a6 then b7.
Simply Ra6 bxa6 then b7# Or if Ra6 any bishop then Then Rxa7#
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Everyone knows this puzzle. The move is Ra6
You puny earthlings. It’s easy. I, the AI that is currently playing that knows that ya gotta do R-a6 then b7.
Simply Ra6 bxa6 then b7#
Or if Ra6 any bishop then
Then Rxa7#