Chess News

General chess-related articles and information about SparkChess development; this section is for everyone interested in chess.

The Queen's Gambit

The Queen’s Gambit and Critical Thinking

I first read The Queen’s Gambit when I was a teenage chess expert, a lesser prodigy than the book’s main character, Beth Harmon. I noticed that what happened to Beth had happened to me too. Like Beth, I had been told that “Girls don’t play chess.” More 🡢

Robot Chess Team

Air Hockey and Chess

Chess is like boxing without brain damage, combative, and a fierce battle. Top chess players used to assemble notebooks—and now create databases—about their opponents’ openings and strategies. More 🡢

GM Nigel and IM Sophie Milliet in a round of Chess Thai Boxing

Chess Prizes in 2020: Who leads?

Who do you think are the top two chess prize money winners so far in 2020? I guessed World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen and Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura. I was wrong. Two women lead the list. Read this article to learn who leads, and for a winning chess move by a former World Chess Championship Challenger and current FIDE Vice President. More 🡢

Evan Rabin

In-person Chess Teaching in the Time of Pandemic

One casualty of the pandemic has been in-person chess classes. With schools closed, on-site chess programs are closed too and many instructors lost their jobs. More 🡢

College Chess Coaches

Chess Respect

As reported by FIDE, former US Chess President Don Schultz died on April 19, 2020. Although I saw Schultz at several chess events, I spent the most time with him during the 1991 U.S. Women’s Chess Championship. The US Chess Federation had asked Schultz to organize the tournament when another bid for it fell through. More 🡢

Saint Luis Chess Club

You can be the hero (part 2)

At the beginning of March I didn’t actually believe that staying home was heroic. I thought that my venturing away from home, to New York City to share chess in education methodology with teachers, was admirable. Less than two months later, times have changed. More 🡢

Chess Story Explains Exponential Growth (COVID-19)

Chess Story Explains Exponential Growth (COVID-19)

Both children and adults struggle to understand what the doubling of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases means. Doubling means exponential growth, which is explained in a memorable way by a famous chess legend. The King’s Chessboard by David Birch retells that legend. More 🡢

Almost heaven, West Virginia

Almost heaven, West Virginia

There are 5,541 players listed on US Chess in West Virginia, though that number includes inactive players, expired members, and even the deceased. West Virginia has 1.78 million residents, so a little more than .3% of residents have been, or are currently, part of US Chess. Near the end of March, I will visit West Virginia to promote chess in that state. This article shares why chess may be a good addition to schools and provides a chess puzzle from 1848. More 🡢