Chess News

General chess-related articles and information about SparkChess development; this section is for everyone interested in chess.

Nigel Short

From Chess Player to Chess Advocate

Having achieved notable chess-playing results, many prominent chess players switch from chess playing to advocating for chess. In this article, WIM Alexey Root shares her own journey from chess player to chess advocate. More 🡢

Emi Stefanov and Razvan Preotu

Svetozar Gligorić Transatlantic Cup: UT Dallas wins for second year in a row

Just this month, FIDE, the World Chess Federation, announced the creation of the Svetozar Gligorić Fair Play Trophy Award. According to the FIDE announcement, Svetozar Gligorić was known for respecting his opponents, famously stating that he played against the chess pieces, not the man. The Svetozar Gligorić Fair Play Trophy Award recognizes a chess player who exhibits fairness, respect, friendship, team spirit, equality, tolerance, and care. More 🡢

Judit Polgar

London Chess Conference

Participants from more than 50 countries are expected for the 2019 London Chess Conference, coming up November 30-December 1. There is still time to register. The day after the conference ends, the London Chess Classic begins. The London Chess Classic features some of the best chess players in the world, headlined by the current World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen. More 🡢

Texas Chess Association

Learning from the Texas Chess Association

In this article, I will focus on the official state affiliate for Texas, the Texas Chess Association (TCA). Maybe other state chess affiliates will learn from my impressions of TCA; or perhaps even chess organizations outside of the United States could benefit from my observations. More 🡢

All the Wrong Moves

All the Wrong Moves

A just-published chess memoir and a chess position from my recently-played game are both pleasing. All the Wrong Moves: A Memoir About Chess, Love, and Ruining Everything is by Sasha Chapin, who attained a US Chess rating of 1417 (based on 22 games). The diagrammed position at the end of this article is from round 3 of my latest tournament, the 2019 Texas Women’s Chess Championship (August 17-18, 2019). More 🡢

Teaching Chess in Africa

Teaching Chess in Africa

For the second year in a row, National Master Evan Rabin of Premier Chess has taught chess in Africa. In this article, you will learn about his trip to Africa in the summer of 2019. And you will get information on how to join Rabin on his next trip to Africa, in the summer of 2020. Photos in this article are courtesy of Evan Rabin. More 🡢

International Chess Day

International Chess Day

Saturday, July 20th, is International Chess Day. Share why you love chess or what chess means to you. International Chess Day 2019 is also the 95th anniversary of FIDE, the World Chess Federation. FIDE has an agreement with Nielsen to research the marketability of chess. If you complete the survey, you can enter into a drawing to win a two-hour online masterclass with former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik. More 🡢

US Chess Championships

July Chess Championships in Saint Louis

The Saint Louis Chess Club is hosting three championships from July 10-21: The U.S. Senior Championship, the U.S. Junior Championship, and the U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship. The senior tournament is for players ages 50 and older. The junior tournaments are restricted to players under age 20 as of January 1, 2019. More 🡢