Moderate Chess Puzzles
Play and solve medium-difficulty chess puzzles for enthusiasts. You’ll find solutions and historical details and you can play each puzzle live against the computer.

Dawid Przepiorka vs Erich Eliskases
The game between Dawid Przepiorka, representing Poland and Erich Eliskases, an Austrian born chess player took place in Hamburg, Germany, 1930.

Frederick Yates vs. Aaron Nimzowitsch
Germany, Hamburg,1910. The city of Hamburg hosted one of most interesting chess game between Frederick Yates and Aaron Nimzowitsch.

Paul Journoud vs. Jules Arnous de Rivière
The confrontation between the well-known French players took place in 1860 at Café de la Régence chess club in Paris.

Roberto Grau vs. Edgar Colle
The confrontation between the Argentinian chess master, Roberto Grau and the Belgian chess master Edgar Colle ended in a victory for white after a 3 moves including an unexpected sacrifice.
Ossip Bernstein vs. Alexander Kotov
This online chess puzzle recreate the endgame between Bernstein and Kotov. Will Berstein do a sacrifice to gain a strategical position and win the game?
Paul Vaitonis vs. Reuben Fine
The end game Paul Vaitonis and Reuben Fine , Stockholm 1937 ended in a victory for Fine who won in 3 moves.
Géza Maróczy vs. Heinrich Wolf
An endgame between two chess masters having two different playing styles, Géza Maróczy with his defensive style and Heinrich Wolf with an aggresive one.
Benhard Horvitz vs. Howard Staunton
Improve your chess skills solving online the end game between Bernhard Howitz, a fine analyst of the endgames and Howard Staunton, an adept of positional play.
- Easy Chess Puzzles (21)
- Moderate Chess Puzzles (46)
- Hard Chess Puzzles (10)
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