Learn Chess

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Mastering Chess – Pawn Structures

After a little research, you’ll find that some variations have been played by chess grandmasters, but way less frequently than more solid alternatives. This often means they are used as “a surprise weapon,” and there’s a good chance there’s something about them that doesn’t hold up too well against correct play. Oftentimes, there’s just a single variation that comes close to refuting the idea, and the opponent has to know that line or find it over the board. Otherwise, the adventurous player often gets a good game. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess – Long Term Problems in Chess

When playing against the French Defense, sometimes f4 is played before Nf3, and sometimes Nf3 is played directly. In some variations, it’s a matter of preference, and at other times the position dictates a specific course of action. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess – The Bishop Pair Needs Space

This game is a great example that shows how the power of the bishop pair increases as the game opens up, especially when there is play on both sides of the board. We have also included several powerful teaching points about pawn structure. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess – The Unexpected Gambit

A sharp confrontation that leads to several unexpected moves and sacrifice of material in exchange for extreme square control. More 🡢

Mastering Chess - Mysterious Powers of the Knight

Mastering Chess – Time, Space, and Force

Time, space, and force are the fundamental building blocks we work with in chess. This article is focused on the value of time. In the future, we’ll write separate articles on space and force. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess – The Joy of Sacrificing Your Queen

White makes an early strategic error. As a result, Black is able to sacrifice his queen, and place White’s king in a mating net. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess – Target Weaknesses to Exploit Opening Inaccuracies

If the main reason you play chess is because you want to have fun, then just play the openings you find interesting and exciting. In that case, the Open Sicilian will keep you entertained for several lifetimes.
On the other hand, if you’re serious about wanting to improve, then developing an opening repertoire will become an important part of your campaign. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess – Exploit opening inaccuracies by finding a good plan

Do your best to understand the implications of your moves. This will take you a long way towards mastery. More 🡢

Is it hard to learn chess?

Learning the rules of chess can be accomplished in one day. There are six different chessmen. Master how each moves and captures, and use them to checkmate your opponents, to succeed in your chess games.

Where can I learn chess?

The best way to learn is by playing! Right here on SparkChess you can play against different computer personas (start with Cody if you never played before). The game will highlight all valid moves for a piece, so it's easy to understand and learn the rules. Then you can move to learning strategies and openings with SparkChess Premium, which features an Opening Explorer with over 100 opening variations, 30 interactive lessons and even an AI coach.

What is the best way to start learning chess?

While learning chess online is efficient, since software corrects illegal moves, playing chess with others in person can be satisfying. You and a friend or family member could tackle chess together, perhaps reading the rules in a book. Playing on a three-dimensional chess set can be a fun break from our online lives. When in-person chess is not available, SparkChess has online multiplayer for playing with friends (and making new ones).

How can I teach myself to play chess?

While learning chess rules takes one day, becoming good at chess takes longer. One proverb states, “Chess is a sea in which a gnat may drink and an elephant may bathe.” With intense efforts, chess greatness can be achieved.