Mate in 2 chess puzzles
Play and solve mate-in-two-moves chess puzzles. You’ll find solutions and historical details and you can play each puzzle live against the computer.
Cristina Iosif vs. Almira Skripchenko
Try to solve this easy chess puzzle online: International Masters Cristina Iosif vs Almira Skripchenko. Black to move and mate in 2.
Isaías Pleci vs. Lucius Endzelins
Isaías Pleci vs Lucius Endzelins. White to move and win in 2. Can you find the solution to this chess puzzle from 1939?
Monterinas vs. Max Euwe
Play online this chess puzzle from a simul between Monterinas vs Max Euwe, Amsterdam, 1927. Black to move and win in 2.
Alexander Alekhine vs. Fahardo
Puzzle from a simul between Alexander Alekhine vs Fahardo, Montevideo, 1939. White to move and win in 2. Can you solve this chess puzzle online?
Paul Morphy vs. Duke of Brunswick
Try online this brilliant chess puzzle that took place at the Paris Opera, during a show with Norma by Vicenzo Bellini. White to move and win in 2.
Robert Thacker vs. Bobby Fischer
A beautiful example of underpromotion in this chess puzzle from grand master Robert Fischer. Black to move and mate in 2.
Albert Pulitzer vs. Georg Marco
Play online this chess puzzle from Albert Pulitzer vs Georg Marco. White Mates in 2.
Nona Gaprindashvili vs. Eliška Richtrová
Chess puzzle from a women competition. Nona Gaprindashvili vs. Eliska Richtrova, Wuppertal, 1990. White to move and mate in 2.
- Easy Chess Puzzles (21)
- Moderate Chess Puzzles (46)
- Hard Chess Puzzles (10)
Mate in
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