The game between Dawid Przepiorka, representing Poland and Erich Eliskases, an Austrian born chess player took place in Hamburg, Germany, 1930. Play, solve and comment
Chess puzzles for White
Play and solve White-to-move chess puzzles. All puzzles have solutions and historical context. You can play each puzzle online against the computer.
Think This Is Too easy?
This situation seems ridiculously easy. The black king is in such a dire situation that deafeat is inevitable – but – can White mate in just three moves?
Promote to Knight
There are cases where an underpromotion would be useful. World Champion Emanuel Lasker presented a position in which White is in serious trouble, that not even a promotion to Queen would solve.
Mate in Three with a Promotion
An interesting puzzle composed by Niels Hoeg in 1905 and featuring promotions: White can mate (win) in three moves. Can you find the right solution?
Mate in Two
In this easy chess puzzle, White can win in just two moves. Can you find the right ones?
Kasparov Mates in 3
This position is from Garry Kasparov vs Elmar Magerramov, USSR, 1982. Kasparov checkmated Elmar in 3 moves. Can you do that?
- Easy Chess Puzzles (21)
- Moderate Chess Puzzles (46)
- Hard Chess Puzzles (10)
Mate in
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Useful Chess sites
- – Chess directory with categorized links to Chess sites, software, news, leagues, tournaments and more.
- ChessBaron is a UK retailer that delivers chess sets and boards worldwide.
- The Chess Website delivers in-depth analysis of chess openings and chess strategy.
- Chess Master William Stuart offers online chess lessons.
- Chessgammon is another UK retailer where you can find timeless classic chess sets.