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Posts by category
- Category: All About Chess
- Chess Grandmaster Susan Polgar’s Error
- Team Chess is like a Family
- Full-ride College Chess Scholarships
- Is Hans Niemann the second-best classical chess player of 2022?
- The surprising benefits of online chess for seniors
- U.S. Women’s Chess Championships: Participants, Champions, Crosstables
- Reimagining Chess
- Chess Historical Literacy
- Final Four of College Chess – and YOU could be a Winner!
- Infographic: All World Chess Champions
- Infographic: Chess Players Titles and Ratings in 2019
- Infographic: Countries With Most Chess Grandmasters
- Chess coach Elliott Neff answers your questions
- Prizes for your questions for chess coach Elliott Neff
- The “ask a chess celebrity” winners are…
- Prizes for your questions for chess celebrity John Bartholomew
- Football and Chess… YOU could be a winner!
- 5 Best Chess Web Shops
- Why Learning Chess is Important for Your Child
- How we test SparkChess across platforms
- What would you like to see next in multiplayer?
- Chess is fun!
- Viswanathan Anand vs. Magnus Carlsen at World Chess Championship 2013
- Category: Book Review
- AlphaBetChess: Books for Chess Parents
- Deadly Chess Puzzles: One from the 2024 Olympiad, 1001 from Rizzitano
- Sex, Murder, and Chess: Fiction Predicts Truth?
- The Saint Louis Chess Conference: Grandmaster Maurice Ashley
- Accusations by World Chess Champions Bobby Fischer and Vladimir Kramnik
- Advanced Chess Instruction: Secrets of Queen Endgames
- David Smerdon: The Complete Chess Swindler
- Jennifer Shahade: Play Like a Champion
- Grind Like a Grandmaster: Magnus Carlsen
- Attacking in Chess: Rules of Thumb
- The Human Factor in Chess – The Testbook (book review)
- Review of The Chess Bible by Vishnu Warrier
- Albert W. Fox: A Chess Life On and Off the Board
- Memoir by Former UT Dallas Chess Coach Rade Milovanovic
- Understanding Pawn Endgames (book review)
- Problem Chess: Art and Magic on the Chess Board
- Modern Chess Opening Repertoire for White
- Category: Chess News
- Prague International Chess Festival: Opening Ceremony
- Chess or Health, Play or Forfeit
- Chess Under Pressure: New Year’s Resolutions
- Aleksandar Indjic wins 2024 European Individual Chess Championship
- To be determined: Chess in London, Paris, and Budapest
- USA takes Gold, Silver, and Bronze at FIDE World Senior Team Chess Championships
- Cairns Chess Queens Award: $100,000 for new U.S. Grandmasters
- Dead Position and Stalemates at Superbet Rapid & Blitz Poland
- Celebrate Nebraska Chess from May 31–June 2, 2024
- US Chess Safe Play: Real-life Examples
- Al Capone, Norman Tweed Whitaker, Chess, and Taxes
- Wisconsin’s newest Woman International Master
- Over-the-Board College Chess, 2024
- U.S. Senior Women’s Championship
- Jennifer Shahade: Underestimating Girls Who Play Chess
- Barbie: Chess by the Pool
- World Cup 2023: Are the favorites winning?
- College chess clashes at U.S. Open
- The MUNY Solved Chess
- Grandmasters compete at Coppell Chess Club
- Chess Champion from China
- FIDE World Championship 2023: Decisive Chess Games
- Free Chess Content, Spring 2023
- A Chess Boom and a Viral Video
- Interviewing Chess Grandmasters Hans Niemann and Vasyl Ivanchuk
- Chess Move Order Mystery
- Fighting Draws in Texas Chess Games
- Do favorites win World Chess Championship qualifiers?
- Greatest World Chess Champion of All Time?
- FIDE Candidates Tournament and a new Norway Chess sweater
- An Earful of Chess
- 2022 American Cup: Double Elimination Chess
- Chess, the number 1,000, and Carlsen’s social media
- FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Chess Championships: A Christmas Miracle
- Carlsen wins 2021 World Chess Championship
- 2021 World Chess Championship: Playing for Two Results
- Chess Christmas Gifts
- Family Day Chess
- Gift Horse or Trojan Horse in Chess
- Winning! At chess, with Nigel Short
- Leo Tolstoy, Anish Giri, and Chess
- Chess and Weight Loss: In-Between Moves
- Women’s FIDE Grand Prix Series: Gibraltar
- April Fools’ Day: Chess Miniatures and GothamChess
- In Online Chess, Don’t Turn Draws into Losses
- Exclusive: Free eBook from Forward Chess
- Chess: U.S. Amateur Team West
- 600 Modern Chess Puzzles
- Sherlock Holmes and Chess
- Online Chess: ChessTech and BotezLive
- COVID-19 survivor Irina Krush wins U.S. Women’s Championship
- The Queen’s Gambit and Critical Thinking
- Air Hockey and Chess
- Chess Prizes in 2020: Who leads?
- In-person Chess Teaching in the Time of Pandemic
- Chess Respect
- You can be the hero (part 2)
- Chess Story Explains Exponential Growth (COVID-19)
- Almost heaven, West Virginia
- From Chess Player to Chess Advocate
- Svetozar Gligorić Transatlantic Cup: UT Dallas wins for second year in a row
- London Chess Conference
- Learning from the Texas Chess Association
- All the Wrong Moves
- Teaching Chess in Africa
- International Chess Day
- July Chess Championships in Saint Louis
- Women’s Chess Tournaments
- The FIDE Women’s Candidates Tournament
- Chess Vacation of the Year! Contest
- Girls, Chess, Money, and Careers
- Final Four of College Chess won by UTRGV
- U.S. Senior Women’s Championship?
- Win a chess book from Lauren Goodkind
- Six Degrees of Separation and One Day More at the World Chess Championship
- World Chess Championship 2018: Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen – Tiebreaks
- World Chess Championship 2018: Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen – Game 12
- World Chess Championship 2018: Magnus Carlsen vs Fabiano Caruana – Game 11
- World Chess Championship 2018: Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen – Game 10
- World Chess Championship 2018: Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen – Game 9
- World Chess Championship 2018: Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen – Game 8
- World Chess Championship 2018: Magnus Carlsen vs Fabiano Caruana – Game 7
- World Chess Championship 2018: Magnus Carlsen vs Fabiano Caruana – Game 6
- World Chess Championship 2018: Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen – Game 5
- World Chess Championship 2018: Magnus Carlsen vs Fabiano Caruana – Game 4
- World Chess Championship 2018: Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen – Game 3
- World Chess Championship 2018: Magnus Carlsen vs Fabiano Caruana – Game 2
- World Chess Championship 2018: Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen – Game 1
- Svetozar Gligorić Transatlantic Cup: UT Dallas wins!
- Myths and unknowns about chess and the contenders for the World Chess Championship
- Overloading at the Chess Olympiad
- Judit Polgar: Chess Connects Us
- Queen of Katwe visits California
- Final Four of College Chess 2018 – The Winner is…
- Multiplayer Score Adjustment
- Old vs New: The SparkChess board redesign
- Category: Learning Chess
- Sunrise in the Bronx: Chess and Life Lessons
- Chess Books and Autographs
- Documenting Hopes, Dreams, and Chess
- Recent Examples of Plagiarism in Chess Writing
- Different Awards for the Same Chess Results
- Play chess better on a team? USA Senior Chess
- Fischer Era Chess Prodigy Headlines Caveman Chess Festival
- Three Bob Fergusons, Two Chess Masters, and One State of Confusion
- Chess Endgames: Pawn Principles
- The London System Compared to the c3 Colle
- Chess Research: Monetary Awards for University Students
- The $10,000 Puzzler Hunt, Chess, and Thank You Notes
- Suitcases, war, chess, and the d5-square
- From Wild Card to Candidate: Hikaru Nakamura
- Emotions in chess: Let it Go
- Chess book review: Defending Under Pressure
- Like Cats and Dogs: A Chess Fight
- Chess Fundamentals on Forward Chess
- You versus Bobby Fischer
- Queen Sacrifices by Top-Level Chess Players
- Turning Chess Wins into Draws
- International Chess Day: The Caro-Kann
- How to learn chess
- Chess question from a celebrity fitness trainer
- Chess and Weight Loss (part 3)
- Learning from Endgame Chess Errors
- Chess Excuses and Weight Loss
- Chess Ideas for Losing Weight
- Clubs turn to online chess
- Hand & Brain Chess
- The Cunning Cavalry of Chess
- Joys and sorrows of over-the-board and online chess
- This is why we play chess: Gata Kamsky
- Anish Giri: Grandmaster, Comedian, Lyricist
- From Teenage Chess Students to Exemplary Adults
- Discovered Attack With Check
- Stay home. Stay safe. Play chess!
- You can be the hero
- Chess on the red carpet
- Heart in San Francisco
- Simultaneous Chess Exhibition
- Better than Others
- Day of the Dead: Post-Mortems and Newspaper Chess Columns
- Where to host a chess club?
- Summer Chess Camps – Contest
- Money for Love
- The Knight’s Tour
- Instructional Chess Books for Christmas 2018
- Stop those pawns!
- Unexpected Opening Moves: Petroff’s Defense
- Chess Children
- How to teach chess (part four) and the Ruy Lopez, Exchange Variation
- World Cup
- Learn a basic endgame checkmate from Elliott Neff
- Category: Learning Chess Endings
- Category: Learning Chess Openings
- Best Seven Chess Openings for Beginners (Part Two)
- Best Seven Chess Openings for Beginners (Part One)
- Mastering-Chess-Classic Sicilian Counterplay
- Mastering Chess – Pawn Structures
- Mastering Chess – The Unexpected Gambit
- Mastering Chess – Time, Space, and Force
- Mastering Chess – The Joy of Sacrificing Your Queen
- Mastering Chess – Target Weaknesses to Exploit Opening Inaccuracies
- Mastering Chess – The Art of Heroic Defense
- Mastering Chess – Why Grandmasters Love the Sicilian
- Mastering Chess – Scotch Opening: Blumenfeld Variation
- Mastering Chess – Psychology in the Opening Repertoire
- Category: Teaching Chess
- Category: The Chess Master Series
- Mastering Chess – Positional Pawn Sacrifice Buries Black’s Bishop
- Mastering Chess – The Value of an Exchange
- Mastering Chess – Play on both sides of the board
- Mastering Chess- Chaos and an overextended knight
- Mastering Chess – All-out Struggle for a Key Square
- Mastering Chess – Long Term Problems in Chess
- Mastering Chess – The Bishop Pair Needs Space
- Mastering Chess – Exploit opening inaccuracies by finding a good plan
- Mastering Chess – Bad Things Happen to Knights without Posts
- Mastering Chess – How to Build Solid Posts for Knights
- Mastering Chess – Mysterious Powers of the Knight
- Mastering Chess – Lines and Focal Points: The Heart and Soul of a Combination
- Mastering Chess – Choose Chess Openings that Fit Your Style
- Mastering Chess – Dark Square Domination
- How to Manage Your Mind in Online Chess
Chess Puzzles
- Dawid Przepiorka vs Erich Eliskases
- Frederick Yates vs. Aaron Nimzowitsch
- Paul Journoud vs. Jules Arnous de Rivière
- Siegbert Tarrasch vs. Max Kurschner
- Roberto Grau vs. Edgar Colle
- Alexander Flamberg vs. Oldrich Duras
- James Mason vs. Georg Marco
- Johannes Zukertort vs. William Norwood Potter
- Edward Lasker vs. George Alan Thomas
- Ossip Bernstein vs. Alexander Kotov
- Paul Keres vs. Arturo Pomar Salamanca
- Alexander Meek vs. Paul Morphy
- Enrico Paoli vs. Jan Foltys
- Milan Vidmar vs. Max Euwe
- Paul Vaitonis vs. Reuben Fine
- Géza Maróczy vs. Heinrich Wolf
- Wilhelm Steinitz vs. Albert Hodges
- Johannes Zukertort vs. Adolf Anderssen
- William Evans vs. Alexander MacDonnell
- Benhard Horvitz vs. Howard Staunton
- Ilya Rabinovich vs. Grigory Levenfish
- Adolf Anderssen vs. Ernst Karl Falkbeer
- Paul Morphy's problem
- Emanuel Lasker vs. Frank Marshall
- Corina-Isabela Peptan vs. Vlasta Macek
- Győző Forintos vs. Boris Spassky
- Max Walter vs. Emanuel Lasker
- Cristina Iosif vs. Almira Skripchenko
- Isaías Pleci vs. Lucius Endzelins
- Veselin Topalov vs. Garry Kasparov
- Monterinas vs. Max Euwe
- Alexander Alekhine vs. Fahardo
- Judit Polgar vs. Hakan Winfridson
- Joseph Blackburn vs. Adolf Anderssen
- Alexander Alekhine vs. Samuil Weinstein
- Viacheslav Ragozin vs. Mihkail Botvinnik
- Viktor Korchnoi vs. Lev Polugaevsky
- Paul Morphy vs. Duke of Brunswick
- Paul Keres vs. Tigran Petrosian
- Robert Thacker vs. Bobby Fischer
- Donald Byrne vs. Bobby Fischer
- Karl Gilg vs. Aaron Nimzowitsch
- Albert Pulitzer vs. Georg Marco
- Daniel Harrwitz vs. Bernhard Horwitz
- Richard Reti vs. Saviely Tartakower
- Popert vs. John Cochrane
- Napoleon Bonaparte vs. Madame de Remusat
- Nona Gaprindashvili vs. Eliška Richtrová
- Mikhail Tal vs. Pal Benko
- Jacques Schwarz vs. Samsonov
- Wilhelm Steinitz vs. Herbert Trenchard
- Wilhelm Steinitz vs. David Sands
- Viktor Korchnoi vs. Peterson
- Simen Agdestein vs. Al Qudaimi
- Boikhutso Mudongo vs. Karolina Olsarova
- Vassily Ivanchuk vs. Josif Dorfman
- Johannes Addicks vs. Mladen Gujdev
- Jo-Kai Liao vs. Colm Daly
- Tigran Petrosian vs. Tomic
- Luis Paulsen vs. Blachy
- Joseph Blackburne vs. Martin
- José Capablanca vs. Gunnar Friedemann
- Varuzhan Akobian vs. Blas Lugo
- Magnus Carlsen vs. Hans Harestad
- Alexander Alekhine vs. Frieman
- Giese vs. Alexander Alekhine
- Gregor Podkriznik vs. Mohamed Gassouma
- Li vs. Alitha
- John Emms vs. Albert Blees
- Wuisard vs. Durufle
- Laszlo Vadaz vs. Carsten Lingnau
- Pilotelle vs. Vernay
- En-Passant: How it Works
- For Beginners: Mate in Three
- Think This Is Too easy?
- Promote to Knight
- Mate in Three with a Promotion
- Mate in Two
- Kasparov Mates in 3
Questions & Answers
- How can I cancel my SparkChess Premium Live subscription?
- How do the timers work in SparkChess?
- What are offline challenges?
- How do I play correspondence chess in SparkChess?
- How do I delete my multiplayer account?
- Does SparkChess multiplayer support crossplay?
- A player is cheating! What should I do?
- Can I connect to Multiplayer if I'm using Tor or a VPN?
- What is Guest Login?
- Are multiple accounts allowed in multiplayer?
- What are playing areas?
- What's the difference between the Premium Live login and the Multiplayer login?
- Why does the board look wrong, images are missing?
- How do I play with someone on my team?
- What are the time controls for my team?
- How do I join or leave a team?
- How do I add, approve or remove members on my team?
- How do I edit or delete a team?
- How do I create a team?
- How can I set an avatar (profile photo) in multiplayer?
- What do Alyx' settings mean?
- Do you have a special offer for schools or clubs?
- Why do I need the newest version to play in online multiplayer?
- Why did the game end unexpectedly?
- Can I play correspondence chess?
- How can I improve my chess skills?
- What is Claire's rating? What about Boris or Guru?
- How do I install SparkChess on Mac OS?
- How can I find what version of SparkChess I have?
- What are the browser requirements for playing SparkChess online?
- Is SparkChess Premium subscription-based? Are there recurring charges?
- My antivirus blocks SparkChess - why?
- Is the payment process secure?
- What's your refund policy?
- I purchased SparkChess but I still see the free version when I play
- How do I add or save PGN files on iOS or Android?
- How is Stalemate declared?
- How does filtering work in multiplayer?
- Did my account disappear?
- I get disconnected unexpectedly, why?
- How reliable is the multiplayer service?
- I can't connect. Help!
- Can SparkChess work behind firewalls?
- How do you handle abusive users and cheaters?
- Is it safe for a child to play SparkChess online?
- How is the multiplayer score calculated?
- Is there a difference in multiplayer between the free and premium version of SparkChess?
- Is the multiplayer service free?
- What payment methods are available?
- Do I have to upgrade when a new release is available?
- Are updates free?
- How can I upgrade to the latest version?
- I downloaded the game but I can't find it. Do I need to buy it again?
- I bought the game, but I didn't receive an email or link. What should I do?
- I'm on Linux – is SparkChess available for me?
- On what platforms does your chess game work?
- I want to play the game without opening the browser, like a normal program; is that possible?
- Why do you show ads?
- Is playing SparkChess online free?
- I see both SparkChess and flashCHESS mentioned. What's the difference between them?
- Your chess engine is too easy! Is that the best you can do?
- Your chess game is too hard! Help!
- Why can't I castle? How do I castle?
- I just moved my pawn two squares and then it disappeared!
- The enemy pawn advanced to my first row and then a second black queen appeared – Why?
- How can I place SparkChess Premium Live on the desktop?
- How to play correspondence chess in SparkChess
- How to Whitelist SparkChess in Microsoft Defender Smartscreen
- How to redeem a Forward Chess coupon code
- How to change your Premium Live account password
- How to login to Premium Live and Multiplayer
- How to Play Chess with a Team Mate
- How to use an Invitation Code?
- How to purchase a Premium Live subscription
- How to create a team
- How to find what version of SparkChess you have
Support Areas
- Learning to play chess
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- Premium Features
- SparkChess Premium (full version)
- Team management
- Mate in 2 chess puzzles
- Mate in 3 chess puzzles
- Mate in 4 chess puzzles
- Mate in 5 chess puzzles
- Mate in 7 chess puzzles
External stores
- SparkChess Pro on Google Play
- SparkChess Pro on Apple AppStore
- SparkChess Pro on Apple MacStore
- SparkChess Pro on Microsoft Store
- SparkChess Pro on Huawei App Gallery
- SparkChess Pro on Amazon
- SparkChess Pro on Steam
- SparkChess Pro on HumbleBundle
- SparkChess Lite on Chrome Web Store
- SparkChess Lite on Apple AppStore
- SparkChess Lite on Google Play
- SparkChess Mini on