The game between Dawid Przepiorka, representing Poland and Erich Eliskases, an Austrian born chess player took place in Hamburg, Germany, 1930. Play, solve and comment
How do I add, approve or remove members on my team?
For security and privacy reasons, players must personally ask to join a team. You can send them instructions on how to do this.
If you’re a teacher or chess instructor, please contact us. We have a platform where you can add users, assign them to your team, and more!
When users request to join your team, they must first be approved by you. To approve them, you’ll need to do the following:
- Click the Account button in the invitation window. Your Account Window will be displayed.
- At the bottom of the Account Window, you’ll see some buttons. Click on Team.
- Now you’ll see your Team page, with its name, description as well as a list of existing (and pending) members.
- Pending members are shown first, along with some brief statistics, highlighted and with two buttons next to them: a “check mark” for approval and a “cross” for rejecting.
- To remove (“kick”) an existing player from the team, click on it on the list. A “cross” icon will appear. When you click it, the player will be removed from the team. Note: you cannot remove yourself in this way!
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Useful Chess sites
- – Chess directory with categorized links to Chess sites, software, news, leagues, tournaments and more.
- ChessBaron is a UK retailer that delivers chess sets and boards worldwide.
- The Chess Website delivers in-depth analysis of chess openings and chess strategy.
- Chess Master William Stuart offers online chess lessons.
- Chessgammon is another UK retailer where you can find timeless classic chess sets.