Johannes Addicks vs. Mladen Gudjev, Prague, 1931.
Mate in 3. White to move.
Roll over to see the solution: 1.Bxf7+ Kxf7 2.Ng5+ Kf6 3.Qe6+
1.Bxf7+ Kxf7 2.Ng5+ Kf6 3.Qe6+
FEN: r1b1r1kq/pppnpp1p/1n4pB/8/4N2P/1BP5/PP1PQPP1/R3K2R w KQ - 0 1
r1b1r1kq/pppnpp1p/1n4pB/8/4N2P/1BP5/PP1PQPP1/R3K2R w KQ - 0 1
Love this puzzle. Black king can also flight square 2. Ng5+ Kg8 but queen still mates at 3. Qe6#
1. Bb3xf7 Kg8xf7 2. Ne4-g5 Kf7-g8 3. Qe2-e6
NOTE: This is misattributed. The player of the black pieces was not the Bulgarian International Correspondence Grandmaster Mladen Gudyev; but rather Ion Gudju of Romania. Please see
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Love this puzzle. Black king can also flight square 2. Ng5+ Kg8 but queen still mates at 3. Qe6#
1. Bb3xf7 Kg8xf7
2. Ne4-g5 Kf7-g8
3. Qe2-e6
NOTE: This is misattributed. The player of the black pieces was not the Bulgarian International Correspondence Grandmaster Mladen Gudyev; but rather Ion Gudju of Romania.
Please see