The game between Dawid Przepiorka, representing Poland and Erich Eliskases, an Austrian born chess player took place in Hamburg, Germany, 1930. Play, solve and comment
Simen Agdestein vs. Al Qudaimi
Simen Agdestein vs Basheer Al Qudaimi at Tromsoe, 2014
Mate in 4. White to move.
Roll over to see the solution: Rxf7+ Rxf7 Qxg6+ Kh8+Rxh6+Rh7+Qxh7#
FEN: 3r1r2/1pp2p1k/p5pp/4P3/2nP3R/2P3QP/P1B1q1P1/5RK1 w - - 1 0
About the players
Basheer Al Qudaimi (1984-) is a Yemeni International Master chess player with a peak rating of 2464.
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- The Chess Website delivers in-depth analysis of chess openings and chess strategy.
- Chess Master William Stuart offers online chess lessons.
- Chessgammon is another UK retailer where you can find timeless classic chess sets.
Three Move
1. Qg3-g5 Qe2xc2
2. Qg5xh6 Kh7-g8
3. Qh6-h8
that is not going to happen, the pawn h6 will take the queen. or queen black Qe2 will go Qe5 check.
In this case you keep checking the other king until mate. If you don’t, you can lose your momentum very quickly. Look what happens if you move your queen from g3 to g5 and don’t check with your rook,as someone here suggested. The black queen should not then take the free white bishop. It checks the white king and threatens the white queen simultaneously. The tables are now turned and black gets a breather and probably comes out a piece ahead.
1. Qg3-g5 is not mate in 4
1. Qg3-g5 h6-h5 2. Rxh5+ Qxh5 3. Qxh5+ Kg7 and there’s no mate
hey you batch you dont know the chess rules if h6 pawn takes queen it will be count as illeagal
1. Rf1xf7 Rf8xf7
2. Qg3xg6 Kh7-h8
3. Rh4xh6 Rf7-h7
4. Rh6xh7
1. Rf1xf7+ Rf8xf7
2. Qg3xg6+ Kh7-h8
3. Rh4xh6+ Rf7-h7
4. Qg6xh7#