Alexander Alekhine vs. Fahardo
Puzzle from a simul, Alexander Alekhine vs Fahardo, Montevideo, 1939.
White to move and win in 2.
Roll over to see the solution: 1. Rxf6+ Nxf6 2. g5#
FEN: 4r3/pbpn2n1/1p1prp1k/8/2PP2PB/P5N1/2B2R1P/R5K1 w - - 1 0
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8 articles on Alexander Alekhine
1. Rf2xf6 Nd7xf6
2. g4-g5
1. Rxf6 Nxf6 2. g5#
1.Rf1xf6 Nxf6
LLOOOOL! Boris unhappy face!