Joseph Blackburne vs. Martin
Chess puzzle from a simul (probably): Joseph Blackburne vs. Martin, England, 1876.
Mate in 2. White to move.
Roll over to see the solution: 1.Qxd7+ Kxd7 2.Bf5+ (2.Bb5+)#
FEN: 1r1kr3/Nbppn1pp/1b6/8/6Q1/3B1P2/Pq3P1P/2BRR1K1 w - - 0 1
About the players
Joseph Henry Blackburn (1841-1924) dominated British chess in the last 50 years of the 19th century and was known as "The Black Death". He was also a strong blindfold chess player.3 articles on Joseph Blackburn
1.Qg4xd7+ Kd8xd7
2. Bd3-f5#