Cristina Iosif vs. Almira Skripchenko
This position occurred in Cristina Iosif vs Almira Skripchenko, Romania, 1992.
Black to move and mate in 2.
Roll over to see the solution: 1... Qxh2+ 2. Kxh2 Rh4#
FEN: 4r1k1/pQ3pp1/7p/4q3/4r3/P7/1P2nPPP/2BR1R1K b - - 0 1
About the players

1. Qxg1+ Kxg1
2. Rg4#
Made a mistake. Actually… 1. Qxh2+ Kxh2 2. Rh4#
A spectacular Q sac!
2. Kh1xh2 Re4-h4#
1… Qxh2+ 2. Kxh2 Rh4#
1… Qxh2+ 2. Kxh2 Rh4#
Not so difficult for regular chess players.Solution at a glance can be noticed.