Roll over to see the solution: 1.Rxh7 Kxh7 2.Rh1 Kg7 3.Qh1
FEN: 3q1r1k/2p4p/1p1pBrp1/p2Pp3/2PnP3/5PP1/PP1Q2K1/5R1R w - - 0 1
About the players
Bernhard Horvitz (1807-1885) is known as a German chess master and chess writer belonging to "The Pleiades". He wrote about chess endgames in collaboration with Joseph Kling.
Daniel Harrwitz (1823–1884) was a German chess Master. Born in Wrocław, Prussian Province of Silesia, now part of Poland, he moved to Paris. He was a great player of blindfold games.
1. Rh1xh7 Kh8xh7
2. Rf1-h1 Kh7-g7
3. Qd2-h6