Ilya Rabinovich vs. Grigory Levenfish
This puzzle is the end game between two of the best Russian and Soviet chess masters.
Ilya Rabinovich vs. Grygory Levenfish, Moskow, 1927. Black to move and win in 2.
Roll over to see the solution: 1... Nh4+ 2. Ke1 Nxf3#
FEN: rn2kb1r/ppp1pppp/8/8/4q3/3P1N1b/PPP1BPnP/RNBQ1K1R b kq - 0 1
About the players
Grigory Levenfish (1889-1961) Polish-born, Russian chess master. Recognized as an endgame specialist. Awarded International Grandmaster by FIDE.Ilya Rabinovich (1891-1942) Russian/Soviet chess master and chess writer.
2.Kf1-g1 Qe4-g4#
1. Ng2-h4
2. Kf1-e1 Nh4-f3#
Knight to h4, queen to g4.
N – D6 is an alternative.