Roll over to see the solution: 1.Qd6+ Re7 2.Qd8+ Re8 3.e7#
FEN: 4rk2/p5p1/1p2P2N/7R/nP5P/5PQ1/b6K/q7 w - - 0 1
About the players
Josif Dorfman(1952-) is a Soviet-French chess Grandmaster with a peak rating of 2617. He trained Garry Kasparov and wrote two books about chess. Vassily Ivanchuk (1969-), is a Ukrainian chess Grandmaster and World Rapid Chess Champion, with a peak rating of 2787. He won the title in 2016 by defeating Magnus Carlsen.
1. Qg3-d6 Re8-e7
2. Rh5-f5 Qa1-f6
3. Rf5xf6 g7xf6
4. Qd6-b8 Re7-e8
5. Qb8-d6 Re8-e7
6. Nh6-f5 Ba2-d5
7. Qd6xe7 Kf8-g8
8. Qe7-g7
1. Qg3-d6 Re8-e7
2. Rh5-f5 Qa1-f6
3. Rf5xf6 g7xf6
4. Nh6-f5 Kf8-g8
5. Qd6xe7 Ba2-d5
6. Qe7-g7
1. Q3g-d6 Re8-e7
2. Qd6-d8 Re7-e8
3. Rh5-f5 Qa1-f6
4. Rf5*f6 g7*f6
5 Qd8-f6
That’s what we call a checkmate boys…5 moves ahead always
1. Qg3-d6 Re8-e7
2. Qd6-d8 Re7-e8
3. e6-e7 checkmate in 3 moves