Karl Gilg vs. Aaron Nimzowitsch
Karl Gilg vs Aaron Nimzowitsch, Semmering tournament, 1926. Black wins in 3.
Roll over to see the solution: ...1.Bh3 Nxh3 2.Qf3 Kg8 3.Nxh3 #
FEN: 4rrk1/pppb4/7p/3P2pq/3Q4/2P3P1/PP3nKP/R3RNN1 b - - 0 1
About the players
![Aron Nimzowitsch](https://www.sparkchess.com/cms/media/players/Aron-Nimzowitsch.jpg)
4 articles on Aaron Nimzowitsch
Kg8 should be Kg1
…1.Bh3 Nxh3 2.Qf3 Kg1 3.Nxh3 #
…1.Bh3 Nxh3 2.Qf3 Kg1 3.Qh1 #
1. Bd7-h3 Ng1xh3
2. Qh5-f3 Kg2-g1
3. Qf3-h1