Roll over to see the solution: 1. Qa7+ Kc8 2. Qa8+ Bb8 3. Qa6#
FEN: 1k1r4/3b1p2/QP1b3p/1p1p4/3P2pN/1R4P1/KPPq1PP1/4r2R w - - 1 0
About the players
Emanuel Lasker (1868-1941) was a German chess player and World Chess Champion for almost 30 years. He was also a mathematician and philosopher and one of the strongest chess players of all time.
Frank James Marshall (1877-1944) was U.S. Chess Champion from 1909 to 1936 and one of the strongest chess players in the world. He was known for his great tactical skills and liked to play trick moves to turn games to his advantage.
1. Rb3-c3 Re1-a1+
2. Ka2xa1 Qd2xc3
3. b2xc3 Bd7-c6
4. Ka1-b2 Rd8-d7
5. Rh1-a1 Bd6-e7
6. Qa6-a7+ Rd7xa7
7. b6xa7+ Kb8-a8
8. Nh4-f5 Be7-g5
9. Nf5-d6 f7-f6
10. Nd6-c8 Bc6-e8
11. Nc8-b6+ Ka8-b7
12. a7-a8=Q+ Kb7xb6
13. Qa8xe8 Bg5-f4
14. Qe8-e6+ Kb6-b7
15. Qe6xd5+ Kb7-c8
16. Ra1-a7 Bf4-c7
17. Qd5-c6 Kc8-d8
18. Ra7xc7 h6-h5
19. Qc6-d6+ Kd8-e8
20. Rc7-a7 f6-f5
21. Qd6-b8#
i just took extra long ahaha
1. Rb3-c3 Qd2xc3
2. b2xc3 Rd8-e8
3. Nh4-g6 Re1xh1
4. Ng6-e5 Bd6xe5
5. d4xe5 Rh1-a1+
6. Ka2xa1 Re8xe5
7. Ka1-b2 Re5-f5
8. b6-b7 Kb8-c7
9. Qa6-a8 Kc7-d6
10. Qa8-b8+ Kd6-e6
11. Qb8-c7 Rf5xf2
12. b7-b8=Q Rf2-e2
13. Qb8-h8 b5-b4
14. Qh8-f8 b4xc3+
15. Kb2xc3 d5-d4+
16. Kc3xd4 Re2-d2+
17. Kd4-c3 Rd2-d1
18. Qc7-d8 Ke6-e5
19. Qf8xf7 Rd1-d6
20. Qd8xd7 Rd6xd7
21. Qf7xd7 Ke5-f6
22. Kc3-b3 Kf6-g5
23. c2-c4 h6-h5
24. c4-c5 Kg5-g6
25. c5-c6 h5-h4
26. g3xh4 g4-g3
27. c6-c7 Kg6-h5
28. c7-c8=Q Kh5-h6
29. Qd7-d3 Kh6-g7
30. Qd3xg3+ Kg7-f6
31. Qg3-g5+ Kf6-f7
32. Qc8-g8
qa7+ – kc8
b7+ – kc7
b8 = q + – kc6
qxb5 #
Qa7+, Kc8
Qa8+, Bb8 (only move to block the check)
Qa6# (back to original position)