Milan Vidmar vs. Max Euwe
Spectacular end game between the Sloven Milan Vidmar and the Dutch Max Euwe. Milan, with white, will sacrifice a piece winning the game in two. This happened at Carlsbad tournament, 1929. Try to find the solution to this puzzle.
Roll over to see the solution: 1. Qf8+ Kxf8 2. Rd8#
FEN: 6k1/5p2/1p5p/p4Np1/5q2/Q6P/PPr5/3R3K w - - 1 0
About the players

1. Qa3-f8+ Kg8xf8
2. Rd1-d8#
Euwe happened to be a world champion as well. Strange omission on your part…
Correct. We have him listed in our World Chess Champions infographic. We’ll fix the bio.
1.Qa3xf8 + Kg8xf8
1. Qa3-f8+ Kg8xf8
2. Rd1-d8#
There isn’t one solution. There are two possible solutions.
1. Qa3-f8+ Kg8xf8
2. Rd1-d8#
1. Qa3-f8+ Kg8-Kh7
2. Qf8-g7#