Monterinas vs. Max Euwe
Chess puzzle from a simul, Monterinas vs Max Euwe, Amsterdam, 1927.
Black to move and win in 2.
Roll over to see the solution: 1... Be3+ 2. Qxe3 Qg4#
FEN: 7r/p3ppk1/3p4/2p1P1Kp/2Pb4/3P1QPq/PP5P/R6R b - - 0 1
About the players

White can escape. Instead of taking the bishop, the White Queen should go to f4, next to the King
Even then the blk queen makes same move. game over
Then black wouldnplay c2 to c4 and black checkmate after some moves
1. Rd6xg6 f7xg6
2. Qd3xg6 Kg8-h8
3. Re3-e7 Qc7-h2
4. Kg1xh2 Rf8xf2
5. Kh2-g3 Rf2-f3
6. Kg3xf3 Rd8-f8
7. Kf3-g2 Rf8-f2
8. Kg2xf2 Bg5-h4
9. Kf2-f3 Bh4xe7
10. Qg6-h7
1. d6xe5 Qf3xf7
2. Kg7xf7 Ra1-f1
3. Kf7-e8 Rf1-f8
4. Rh8xf8 Kg5-g6
5. Qh3-g4 Kg6-h7
6. Rf8-f7 Kh7-h8
7. Qg4-g7
Sorry didn’t see 2 moves limitation.
1. Bd4-e3 Qf3xe3
2. Qh3-g4
1. Bd4xe5 Qf3xf7
2. Kg7xf7 Ra1-f1
3. Kf7-g7 Rf1-f7
4. Kg7xf7 Rh1-f1
5. Kf7-e6 Rf1-f4
6. Be5xf4 Kg5xf4
7. d6-d5 c4xd5
8. Ke6xd5 Kf4-e3
9. c5-c4 d3xc4
10. Kd5xc4 Ke3-e4
11. Rh8-d8 Ke4-e5
12. Rd8-d5 Ke5-e4
13. Rd5-d4 Ke4-e5
14. a7-a5 a2-a3
15. Rd4-d7 Ke5-e4
16. Kc4-b3 Ke4-e5
17. Kb3xb2 a3-a4
18. Kb2-a3 Ke5-f4
19. Ka3xa4 Kf4-g5
20. Ka4-b4 Kg5-f4
21. a5-a4 g3-g4
22. h5xg4 Kf4-e4
23. a4-a3 Ke4-f4
24. a3-a2 Kf4-f5
25. a2-a1=Q Kf5-e6
26. Qa1-d1 Ke6-f5
27. Rd7-d5 Kf5-g6
28. Qh3xh2 Kg6-f7
29. Qh2-e2 Kf7-g7
30. Rd5-h5 Kg7-g6
31. Qd1-d5 Kg6-g7
32. Qe2-e5 Kg7-g6
33. Qd5-g8
1. Bd4-e3 Qf3xe3
2. Qh3-g4
1. Bd4-e3
2. Qh3-g4
Qf 3*e3 Qh3g4#
1. Be3+ Qxe3 2. Qg4#
2. Qf3xf7+ Kg7xf7
3. Ra1-f1+ Kf7-g7
4. Rf1-f7+ Kg7xf7
5. Rh1-f1+ Kf7-g7
6. Rf1-f4 Rh8-f8
7. a2-a4 a7-a5
8. b2-b4 Be5-f6+
9. Rf4xf6 Rf8xf6
10. b4xa5 e7-e5
11. g3-g4 Qh3xg4#