Ossip Bernstein vs. Alexander Kotov
Ossip Bernstein vs. Alexander Kotov, Groningen (Holland), 1946. This endgame illustrated as an online puzzle will show you how the anticipation combined with audacious sacrifices could result in a victory. White moves and wins in 3.
Roll over to see the solution: 1. f5+ exf5 2. Qxh6+ gxh6 3. Rag8#
FEN: R6R/1r3pp1/4p1kp/3pP3/1r2qPP1/7P/1P1Q3K/8 w - - 1 0
1. f4-f5+ e6xf5
2. Qd2xh6+ g7xh6
3. Ra8-g8#
A brilliant puzzle! The key is opening the dark-squared diagonal d2-h6, with a tempo (aka, a threat), so that the White Queen can come closer. Yet, the only way to deliver checkmate is the stunning sacrifice of the White Q, because otherwise the Black King has an escape square on h7 (e.g: 2. Rxh6+ gxh6 3.Rg8+ Kh7). So, the check must be delivered via the Q and not the Rh8, hence the sac!
So, as it is already written, we have this forced checkmate:
1. f5+ (opens the diagonal) exf5
2. Qxh6+!! (delivers the check) gxh6
3. Rag8#