The game between Dawid Przepiorka, representing Poland and Erich Eliskases, an Austrian born chess player took place in Hamburg, Germany, 1930. Play, solve and comment
Paul Keres vs. Arturo Pomar Salamanca
A nice endgame between Estonian Paul Keres and Spanish chess player Arturo Pomar Salamanca. With a sacrifice, Paul Keres gained a strong strategical position and won in four. This happened in Madrid tournament, 1943.
Roll over to see the solution: 1. Rd8+ Qxd8 2. Qe6+ Kc5 3. Nb3+ Kb4 4. Qe4#
FEN: 7R/r1p1q1pp/3k4/1p1n1Q2/3N4/8/1PP2PPP/2B3K1 w - - 1 0
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![Arturo Pomar Salamanca](
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Be careful when you go for the bait, there just might be a hook in it.
1. Rd8+ Qxd8 2. Qe6+ Kc5 3. Nb3+ Kb4 4. Bd2# Nc3 5.Bxc3 Ka4 6.Nc5# or
2. Rd8+ Qxd8 2. Qe6+ Kc5 3. Nb3+ Kb4 4.Qe4#
1. Rh8-d8+ Qe7xd8
2. Qf5-e6+ Kd6-c5
3. Nd4-b3+ Kc5-b4
4. Qe6-e4#
It’s not actually bait, regardless of whether he takes the rook or not, white wins. There’s no entrapment, more of a forced win
Yes, I see it now. Thanks for pointing that out for me.
1. g2-g3 Ra7-a1
2. Kg1-g2 Ra1xc1
3. Rh8-d8+ Qe7-d7
4. Qf5xd7+ Kd6-e5
5. Qd7xd5+ Ke5-f6
6. Nd4xb5 Rc1-e1
7. Nb5xc7 g7-g5
8. Rd8-h8 Kf6-g6
9. h2-h4 Re1-e2
10. h4xg5 Kg6-h5
11. Kg2-h3 Re2xc2
12. Qd5-f3+ Kh5xg5
13. Rh8xh7 Rc2xc7
14. Rh7-h8 Kg5-g6
15. Qf3-e4+ Kg6-g5
16. Rh8-g8+ Kg5-f6
17. Qe4-d4+ Kf6-f5
18. g3-g4+ Kf5-e6
19. Rg8-e8+ Ke6-f7
20. Qd4-e5 Rc7-b7
21. g4-g5 Kf7-g6
22. Re8-g8+ Rb7-g7
23. Rg8xg7+ Kg6-h5
24. g5-g6+ Kh5-h6
25. Kh3-h4
1.Rd8 Qxd8 2.Qe6 Kc5 3.Nb3 Kb4 (3…Kc4 4.Qc6 Kb4 5.Bd2#)4.Bd2#
1.Rd8 Qxd8 2.Qe6 Kc5 3.Nb3 Kc4 4.Qe4