Paul Keres vs. Tigran Petrosian
Chess position from Paul Keres vs. Tigran V. Petrosian, Bled 1959
Black to move and win in 5.
Roll over to see the solution: 1....Qxf4 Bf3 2.Qxe3 Bh5 3.Rxh5 Kf3 4.Rh1 Kg1 5.Rxg1 #
FEN: 6k1/3b3r/1p1p4/p1n2p2/1PPNpP1q/P3Q1p1/1R1RB1P1/5K2 b - - 0-1
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4 articles on Tigran Petrosian
1. Qh4xf4 Be2-f3
2. Qf4xe3 Bf3-h5
3. Rh7xh5 Nd4-f3
4. Nc5-d3 Rb2-c2
5. Rh5-h1 Nf3-g1
6. Rh1xg1
1. Qh4xf4 Be2-f3
2. Qf4xe3 Bf3-h5
3. Rh7xh5 Nd4-f3
4. Rh5-h1 Nf3-g1
5. Rh1xg1
After black opens the puzzle with Qh4xf4, why does white not play Qe3xf4 to counter?
Rh7-H1 mate
1. Qh4xf4+
2. Be2-f3 Qf4xe3
3. Bf3-h5 Rh7xh5
4. Nd4-f3 e4xf3
5. g2xf3 Qe3xf3+
6. Kf1-g1 Rh5-h1#
Qxf4+ Bf3
Qxe3 Bh5
Rxh5 Nf3
Rh1+ Ngi
Qxg1+ Ke2
I tried it another way, but just couldn’t find a simpler way. This was the hardest for me so far.
1. … Qxf4+ 2. Bf3 Qxe3 3. Bh5 Rxh5 4. Nf3 Rh1+ 5. Ng1 Rxg1#
1… Qxf4+ 2. Bf3 exf3 3. Qxf3 Rh1+ 4. Ke2 Qe5+ 5. Qe3 Re1+ 6. Kxe1 Qxe3+ 7. Ne2 Qf2+ 8. Kd1 Ba4+ 9. Rb3 Bxb3+ 10. Rc2 Bxc2+ 11. Kxc2 Qxe2+ 12. Kc3 Na4+ 13. Kb3 Qd1+ 14. Ka2 Qc2+ 15. Ka1 Qb2#