Popert vs. John Cochrane
This chess puzzle is from a simul, Popert vs John Cochrane, London, 1841.
Black to move and mate in 3.
Roll over to see the solution: Solution: ...1.Qxf2 2.Rxf2 Rxf2 3.Kh1 Ng3#
FEN: r2n1rk1/1ppb2pp/1p1p4/3Ppq1n/2B3P1/2P4P/PP1N1P1K/R2Q1RN1 b - - 0 1
There is NO WAY black can mate in 3!!! Must be an error is some way?
1. Qxf2+ Rxf2
2. Rxf2+ Kh1
3. Ng3#
Board setup does not match
Sorry, it was an error on our part. It’s been fixed.
1. Qf5xf2 Rf1xf2
2. Rf8xf2 Kh2-h1
3. Nh5-g3
1. Qf5xf2 Rf1xf2
2. Rf8xf2 Kh2-h1
3. Nh5-g3