Albert Pulitzer vs. Georg Marco
Albert Pulitzer vs Georg Marco, Vienna, 1900.
White Mates in 2.
Roll over to see the solution: 1.Re8 Bxe8 2.Qc7#
FEN: r2k2nr/pp1b1Q1p/2n4b/3N4/3q4/3P4/PPP3PP/4RR1K w - - 0 1
About the players
Albert Pulitzer (1851–1909) was Joseph Pulitzer's younger brother. Joseph Pulitzer, a newspaper publisher, is famous for the "Pulitzer Prize". The two brothers were born in Hungary and emigrated as teens to the United States.
Re1-e8+ Bd7xe8
1. Re8+ Bxe8 2. Qc7#