Richard Reti vs. Saviely Tartakower

White mates in 3 in a daring maneuver. Richard Reti vs Saviely Tartakower, Vienna 1910.

Roll over to see the solution: 1.Qd8 Kxd8 2.Bg5 Ke8 3.Rd8#

FEN: rnb1kb1r/pp3ppp/2p5/4q3/4n3/3Q4/PPPB1PPP/2KR1BNR w - - 0 1

About the players

Richard RetiRichard Réti (1889–1929) was a Jewish-Slovak-Austrian-Hungarian chess Grandmaster and chess author. He composed many endgame puzzles and set a world record in blindfold chess.

Saviely TartakowerSaviely Tartakower (1887–1956) was a Polish-French chess Grandmaster, chess journalist and author. He was Chess Champion in Poland for two years.

7 Responses

  1. chayan agrawal
    chayan agrawal at

    1. Qd3-d8 Ke8xd8
    2. Bd2-g5 Kd8-e8
    3. Rd1-d8

    1. john francis
      john francis at

      Slightly different route, still white# in 3:

      1. Qd3-d8 Ke8xd8
      2. Bd2-g5 Kd8-c7
      3. Bg5-d8

  2. Fareez
    Fareez at

    1. Qd8+ Kxd8 2. Bg5++ Ke8 3. Rd8#

  3. Fareez
    Fareez at

    I think it is the best ++ in chess history.

  4. bhavesh
    bhavesh at

    hey ! why did not the king go to c7 square after double check

  5. Aerian Bishop
    Aerian Bishop at

    Because its still check mate with the bishop

  6. Hn
    Hn at

    Why didn’t savielly use his queen or knight to take the bishop g5
    This is big blunder for a GM.
    This isn’t good play.

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